Re: How do I pull in a table into a Dashboard?
Hi @fritzimendez Create a report from the sheet where your data is collected. The use the report widget to add the data (in a report) to the dashboard. Does this help? This article may also be of hel…1 · -
Re: Dynamic Filter on Dashboards
Hi @Paulo Ferrer I attended a ANZ SS user group a while back and there was a presentation by Office Works. As part of this them presented a dashboard that I recall had a dynamic drop down to select d…5 · -
Update formula wizard when used in sheet summary
This is because the wizard only offers 'Reference another sheet' when this is slightly illogical as you are in sheet summary ie to summarise the sheet you are in. You then cant click on the column he…2 · -
Linked cells not showing in dashboard report
I have a dashboard that surfaces a report in which the duration value cells is blank. The report source data is in a row report. The duration value is visible in the row report. The source the durati…1 ·